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Flood Status

Flood Status

The data on this page is updated every 15 minutes with the assistance of river monitoring gauges provide by the USGS. The monitoring stations are not located at the exact locations where the trails typically flood so blockages such as a log jam, can cause this chart to be slightly inaccurate. It is, however, usually fairly close. If the numbers indicate the trail is close to being flooded (+/- .25 ft), you should assume there is a chance of some water over the trail.

An image of the river trail flooded and a sign saying to watch for floods

Red Cedar Locations

Current Level:

Flooded At
4 feet
4.5 feet
6 feet
Most Lower Areas
5.75 feet

Grand River Locations

Current Level:

Flooded At
6.25 Feet
8.5 Feet
Most Lower Areas
10 Feet

Sycamore Creek Locations

Current Level:

Flooded At
3.5 Feet

Current river levels are updated automatically every 15 minutes. If users would like to submit observations to the Facebook page, we will continue to update this site to be as accurate as possible and provide information for all of the common flooded areas.